On 23rd July 2021, Belfast Metropolitan College Business Development team took part in training as part of the Eu- ropean funded project, Internet of Things to Artificial Intel- ligence (IOToAI). This Erasmus project, led by Belfast Met in partnership with Belfast based digital transformation company Ionology, CEIPES (Centre of Education Develop- ment) Italy, Skills Divers Spain and UPCT Cartagena Spain, is aimed at developing specific digital training pathways to upskill students and employees in Northern Ireland and across Europe.
The module delivered an Introduction to Cloud
Computing and was hosted by Belfast Metropolitan College, HND Interactive Media and Immersive Technologies Course Coordinator Will Artt.
It introduced the learners to the key concepts in cloud computing, examining the rationale for adopting cloud services along with the steps required to migrate to cloud. The course also delivered an introduction to virtualisation and the benefits of virtualised environments for businesses.
The participants, all working in a Business Development role, had varying levels of knowledge of cloud computing however they were all keen to develop their skills in the subject because digital skills are becoming ever more crucial to the businesses they support through various Business Support programmes delivered by the college.
The college will be running further pilot courses across a range of digital skills to local businesses in the coming months.
“The pilot ‘Introduction to Cloud’ training day delivered as part of the IoToAI programme was a gentle introduction to the world of cloud ser- vices. The content was easily understood, deliv- ered at the right pace and covered a wide range of practical and real world use cases for adoption of cloud led services and products.
I already have a good idea of client companies and organisations that would benefit from the knowledge and learning to be taken from the training day, especially those who have com- menced a digital transformation journey owing to Covid-19 impacting on their previous busi- ness models.
All sizes of organisations would greatly benefit from attending the training to increase their awareness and knowledge of the benefits of adopting cloud services including; increased productivity, leaner processes and financial impacts.”
David Phelan, Business Development Executive, Belfast Metropolitan College